A Nigerian dies in U.S police custody

The family of Matthew Ojibade is seeking answers in his death on New Year's Day after police placed him in a restraining chair while he was having a manic episode, according to WSAV.com. The 22-year-old, from Savannah, Georgia, had bipolar disorder and was at his girlfriend's house when the couple got into a fight. She called the police to take Ojibade to the hospital. Instead, police took him to the Chatham County Detention Center where he was placed in a restraining chair after fighting them during his booking. It is legal for the police to use this tool. They checked on Ojibade twice and then found him unresponsive. Police attempted to revive him, but were unsuccessful. In their report, police did not mention that Ojibade's girlfriend made a request to take him to the hospital. They did document that his girlfriend gave them prescription pills. Video surveillance is expected to provide more information on the chain of events at the detention center. Attorney Mark O'Mara, who represented George Zimmerman in the murder trial of Trayvon Martin, spoke on behalf of Ojibade's family at a press conference Tuesday. "Unfortunately this turned from helping, to an arrest pretty quickly and we want to know why — we want to know why the family's request that he be brought to the hospital — which seemed to be reasonable — were not heeded," O'Mara said, according to WSAV. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation has opened an inquiry into the incident and is conducting an autopsy on Ojibade's body.
