ISIS Stone To A Syrian Woman to Death Over Alleged Adultery

Photo - ISIS, Father of stoned to death woman (left) stands next to the extremist
Father of stoned to death woman (left) stands next to the extremist
The shocking footage is understood to have been filmed in the city of Hama and shows a bearded cleric ranting at the woman in Arabic and accusing her adultery. The militant orders her to be ‘content and happy’ that she is about to be stoned to death because, he says, her death has been ordered by God and is therefore required under Islamic law.
The woman turns to her father and begs his forgiveness but he coldly rejects her, saying he would rather please God. He then turns to the men to give the signal for his daughter’s murder to begin.
Minutes later, as the militants rain down rocks on the defenseless woman, her father steps forward and picks up the largest rock before using it to strike and kill his daughter.

The exact moment of her death is not caught on camera as the footage fades to black moments before her father strikes her.
Reportedly, he had been granted the barbaric ‘honour’ of being allowed end the life of the daughter he felt had betrayed both him and her religion.
